Friday, April 18, 2008

Fort S

Sometimes the studio feels about this big. And quilts are big things. They require space. As does the creation of projects. It's Friday and I'd like to say the studio was ready for some creating this weekend. It's well loved and well used, and I am convicting myself of piling.
The weather is suppose to be cruddy. So maybe I will hole up in there and spend and hour or two clearing out, and the rest of the time either machine quilting or working on my art quilt.
I'm guilty, I bought some new fabric at just stupid prices. I'm thinking of making lawn chair covers and matching pillows and so what if they fade. There is some striped stretch duck that I was thinking about for a trench?
Quote of the week:
Brick walls are there for a reason; they let us prove how badly we want things -

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Friday, April 11, 2008

"But there is a special place where good work is done, a place where elegance is spun out of snippets and scraps"
-from a greeting card by Whimble Designs

The work week closes and the weekend is set to begin. I have a new goal. So I must share. It is the kind of goal that perhaps makes no sense. And yet I have never lived my life to make sense. It involves expense, time, and effort, and could realistically have little financial reward. But aren't those always the best goals?

I've decided I'd like to try out the possibility of getting a degree in fiber arts. It's not a matter of can I, I know I can. I suppose it's more a matter of time and chance at this point. Will my local institution of learning have me? Will the department? I start work on building a portfolio up: novel number two is running along nicely, the roses are sprayed and the house is clean, and a mini adventure is planned for tonight.

I feel a period of resurgence on the horizion. Not just because it is Spring, and the sun has finally appeared after all the wet, but because I have delineated my next step. This has been something I have pondered for sometime. I have achieved a lot of the goals I have set for myself (degree, international travel, work, marriage, getting in shape), excepting the challenge of creating new goals, which I think I just attained.

I spoke of this goal to a new friend, and she maintained that, "That would keep you busy". I felt somewhat insulted, as she proclaimed that I was merely doing this to keep busy, when in reality, the one thing that I have never had a problem with was inventing things to do to maintain productivity. Was this out of envy or just plain dissmissal, I wonder? And why the harsh tone? I hope I never reach the point where I bash down a fancy.

So here we go, check back. I much prefered my husband's response to these outlandish dreams,
"I'll support you with what you want to do"