Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Watering the Roses

The roses now live on a dock like deck on the beach. As roses go, they are lucky ones, despite the fact they are bound by pots. They have been through a lot of stress, and they deserve this respite. They were neglected during pregnancy, they endured a move, rearranging, and some time without water.

Now they are nestled in, gearing up for another season. I am ashamed to say they didn't even get pruned (I was moving with a baby). The old garden roses are champs, and they have fared so well, they are up by the house, the teas and such are down on the lower level. I spent a beautiful evening watering and tending to them, saying my apologies for neglecting them. I hope they forgive me.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Another Beach House

Some much has altered in my life recently. Change has been a fixture.

A move.


A new creative space.

As I spend my days moving into another beach house, I am longing for free time to create.

My son occupies my moments, beautifying them in ways I could have never imagined.

I have a small room to do up into a studio, for the longest time I pondered what exactly this small room was supposed to be??? Then it was reveled to be a sauna by the fuse box. I have my fabric cubbies filled, my machines set on a table, and as soon as hubby get the power, I will set to work. I hope for many hours in my sewing sauna, maybe it is a metaphor for my creative life heating up? I am ready for this new chapter.
For now I steal moments, pretend I'm not sleep deprived, and set to work in little chunks of time preparing the studio, I think my supplies have missed me, they breathe again.
As I unpack, I note what a different woman I am. How motherhood has altered my approach to creativity. I begin the process of narrowing down what is important and I center my vision to target in a way I have not before, a way I could not.
I think we all honor the world by being creative. Our creativity brings to others joy, pure, infant like. I want to be held in color as it were a pair of mothering arms restoring the weary sleepiness and tuning my heart to task.