Monday, March 21, 2011


It's looked like this a lot lately. I'm due in about five weeks. The weather is great for nesting.
I find myself craving spring. Daffodils sit by my sink, in the boys room, and there are roses in the wall vases.
Grey is supposed to be a big color. But it is never for me. I use it when I need grey, but living in the northwest, grey is ample and not a color I necessarily buy, which is why I have like two pieces in the stash and realized lately that maybe I should.
I've been re-doing the boys room. Two cribs, one closet, two boys soon enough. I'm at the stage where I'd rather organize the closet than make a decision on where to hang the pictures. The main problem being all the pictures are very small, and the walls big, and I need something with better scale. I think back to being in Lowe's, and looking around, and there were like three other pregnant ladies, and I felt like we were all stuck on the same broken records of how to organize itty clothes, procrastinating so we didn't have to hang all the small pictures.
Got a great new camera, now if I'd just off-load the pics and put them up on the blog!
I planted tomato seeds, lobelia, daisies, and some snapdragons -- we will see. The roses this year have been beaten by cold but they seem to persist. I'm late with the Felco's, gasp, but then so it the sunshine I require to be out there.
I delight today in allowing someone to come in and help me soon. Sometimes it is so hard to accept help. Sometimes it is so needed. Sometimes we need to ask others when the ones we love can't help. Sometimes it is important to accept help even when we think we don't need it. To pay for help, to arrange it, to admit you can't do everything while undergoing a season of limitation. Since I can't bend, and walking is painful, I am accepting help, and proud of myself.
Working in the studio, I alternate between the art quilt on my wall, and going to other piecing projects when I must sit in this late term exhaustion of swollen feet which fit only in Crocs. I'm trying to relish these last few weeks, trying, I said. I'm holding the sweet feeling of have a few hours hear and there to sew before a newborn holds my hand. The quilt is done, resting on the crib rail, and yes, pictures, I need pictures.
The sea has calmed, though the rain has not let up. I am thankful for a child's long nap, and the stolen moments off my feet.

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