Wednesday, September 25, 2013


I've always joked that I wanted to "homestead" in Alaska.  I never really thought that I would live there, but I do now.  My vision may have been more along the lines of one room shack filled with books, and fabric, and a sewing machine;  location somewhere in the very, very remote hills.

While in real life, it rolls more like a different house with more bedrooms, and a heated driveway so I don't crash into the neighbors house when I back out.  And lots of things to arrange after the movers left their wake.  Like all the books they shelved with the spines in, and the cords packed in boxes which nested and require a fifteen minute experiment in trying not to feel overwhelmed about unpacking a house, cleaning, organizing, and decorating so pregnant all while trying to mother two little boys amid the waves of morning sickness the third trimester's cruel joke.

Maybe I said it too many times and the man upstairs heard me.  Maybe my version wasn't big enough and it needed a major overhaul.  Maybe it was as simple as an answered prayer about not having to move with a new baby.  I am overhauling my whole life right now it seems, and right before a baby.  Baby number three who we hope to meet likely just after Thanksgiving.

I just finished reading "1776" and I must say, sometimes reading the struggles of others while you are engaged in your own battle puts things in perspective.  I mean it is not crucial if my fabric sits a little slouched on the shelf until I can clear the cubby it is supposed to be in, or the fact that I haven't sewn in a WHOLE MONTH, and feel so adrift, but still avoid tackling a nasty box of misc. which sits under my sewing card table.  Looking at the bright side, at least my machines are plugged in and I found the telescope for my serger so I can quit having nightmares.

I have never not had a baby quilt ready by this point, so in the morning I tackle that box like a Hessian soldier was trying to invade my homestead, with the gun of persistence that not even old George couldn't help himself to stop to admire.

And though difficulties may pester me it seems now from all angles of life; I will do my best each day.

Scenes from last week:

sewing cubicle
After almost a month without stuff, I think they were shocked to see it all arrive.
Snow on the first day of fall.
"Above all Washington never forgot what was at stake
and he never gave up" 
-McCullough p.293

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