Friday, August 22, 2014


I'm here, really.  Starting to come up for air after nine months of super colic boy.  I would like to post some reviews about my new additions to my sewing room.  I am excited to be getting back to machine embroidery again after my hiatus.

Alaska has had some awesome weather this year.  I am enjoying it.  Soon oldest boy goes to school, and I hope to have more time to post every so often.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Hi Stefanie,
I got your comment on my blog and just had to come and visit you! I hope you are enjoying Alaska. I love it there and miss is very much. We moved there when my sons were 4 and 7...they are now 20 and 23. It was the greatest place to raise our sons. It is tough to find time for yourself when you have a young family...but having a hobby that allows creativity really helps mom keep her sanity!