Friday, August 10, 2007

Ah, Just A Break

Today I went to quilt group and learned how to pin a quilt using stretcher bars. I've never done that before, but I quite liked the experience. It was fun to do something together with other women, and that is something one misses in the studio all alone absorbed in their own stitches. It seems I am always putting a kink in my back trying to safety pin all over the living room. It got me inspired for quilting all those quilts to finish, but alas my swollen hand. Shouldn't be typing really.
The kitchen is slicked up and I Miracle Growed everything this morning. I made a bread pudding out of leftover croissants and it looks marvelous. A nice big salad, even with broccoli in the fridge. Next a dressing.
I have gotten the studio cleaned and look forward to some spare moments this weekend to putter on finishing some odds and ends so I can start on that home-dec storage project next week after I throw a big barbecue.
The studio is stocked and waiting, although it could always use more embroidery threads. I feel in the mood for cutting so I may even pull out the civil war quilt and do a couple blocks. Well off to start the hot part of dinner and thinking of restful seas.

1 comment:

Nico said...

I hope that your hand is feeling better. I really enjoyed reading all about your quilting group, I wish I could find one here. Have a great weekend!