Wednesday, November 14, 2007


I have had some good times in the studio lately, and will post the pics when I get some time.
However overall I have been contemplating workmanship. My grandmother is preparing to leave her house of many years and looking over some of the contents I can't help but notice all the "Made in the U.S.A." Then we look around today, and that is almost non-existent.
What happen to workmanship and craft? How do I focus on this during my studio time? I live in this rush rush world, but I go in my room and try to slow, and to focus on artfully arranging and constructing something original, and yet I find myself wanting to hurry it up? How does the artist balance the need to produce with the workmanship required to do their best?
Is this because studio time can be such a precious resource that when one has it there is a need to accomplish? Is it because so many things in this world are expedited and instant?

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