Monday, July 30, 2007


Weekend activities like crab cracking can cut into studio time, but when it is warm and stuffy in there with all that fabric, there are other activities that even the most nutty fiber artist will retire to. Here in the northwest we grab summer with claws because we know all too well the stainless steel skies that hang around sea side locals after these few fleeting months.
There are countless roses to be deadheaded, and I feel really blessed. The left-handed Felco's may work over time to keep the roses flowing. I'm still waiting for "Leda" and it is using up my patience.
The breeze ruffles the sheers and slams a door. Sweet, almost boy band hip hop syncopates soothingly on the system, and my thoughts are optimistic as the butterfly shaped clouds whisk by wanting a taste of my bubbling ginger ale, my drink of choice at times like this.
I accomplished some more free motion quilting on my Whale Horizon, and I am stopped due to one particular thread choice, (I find my vast jumble of noosed thread somehow inadequate in the purple range). I have been thinking of just serging the edges in black thread and calling that a frame??
My home-dec. projects are stacking up. So much to be done; and this mermaid begs for my attention gracefully arching on my design wall anticpating a head of famous hair.

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